Bolt PAL MULTi3 PS2DVD-Start2

You know a game must be good when one of the characters is a hamster named

Rhino! Bolt may be a regular dog who plays a superdog on TV, but when Rhino's

watching, the power is as real as real can get. Rather than following the plot

of the movie, you'll play through episodes of the show as both Bolt and his

human sidekick, Penny. Penny's levels are stealth based, using her heat vision

to reveal clues and uncover enemies, her wheel stick to quickly move along

ledges, and even turn invisible. Then take control of Bolt, where you'll bound

like Superman, taking out enemies with a quick pounce and laser beam eye vision!

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Size: 2.58GB
Language: Multilenguaje
Downloaded: 816 time(s)