Jane Zhang new album Reform

Jane Zhang Reform

China singer Jane Zhang begins to become hot singer in China. Began her career from Super Girl Contest 2005, Jane Zhang broke away from the Chinese pop scene by combining elemnents of R&B and Jazz.

Jane Zhang released her fifth album "Reform" after almost a year since her album "Believe in Jane". Jane Zhang collaborated with American musician Michael Jay to produce a nice music in this album, continues her transformation to a diva in a new album.

Listening to Jane Zhang's album is like to listening an American Country song. American singers such as Mariay Carey and Christina Aguilera really influencing Jane Zhang to produce her songs.

Singer : Jane Zhang (张靓颖 - Zhang Liang Ying)
Title: Reform / 改变 (Gai Bian)
Release date: 01 June 2011
Language: Mandarin [CN]
Label : Universal Music China
Style: pop

01. 我的模样 - Wo De Mu Yang
02. 追爱 - Zhui Ai
03. 出境入境 - Chu Jing Ru Jing
04. 错就错 - Cuo Jiu Cuo
05. 为爱疯狂 - Wei Ai Feng Kuang
06. 大胆 - Da Dan
07. 爱就爱 - Ai Jiu Ai
08. 有时候 - You Shi Hou
09. 上一章 - Shang Yi Zhang
10. 改变 - Gai Bian

Download Jane Zhang new album Reform here


Jane Zhang in album Reform Photos :

Jane Zhang Reform

Jane Zhang Reform

Jane Zhang Reform

Jane Zhang Reform

Watch Jane Zhang (张靓颖) in single Reform (改变) Video here