Bigman CD Vol 28

Dear valued visitors, We try to find the songs which produce by Rasmey Hang Meas Production to post them in this website, because we have many visitors over the world request us to post more Khmer songs in our site.
Well, we would like to thank to visitors who support us for taking their times to write the comments to us to tell about problem of this website. We want to say that, please feel free to tell us. Anyway, if you want to request more Khmer songs?

Production : Bigman
Artist : Noy, Barinha, Sem
File : MP3
Bitrate : 192kbps
Quality : High
Full Size Albums : N/A MB
Track Name List :
01.Cheer Chab Teng 3 - Bakrinha - Noy [ Take it Now ]
02.Pel Kmen Oun Teb Skal Phaep Eka - Bakrinha [ Take it Now ]
03.Chob Hoy Nhom Srolanh Sangsa Ke Bath - Noy [ Take it Now ]
04.Kong Ta Bek Bek Oy Hiy - Sem [ Take it Now ]
05.Srolanh Oun Smos Ke - Bakrinha [ Take it Now ]
06.Deng Ta Tha Oun Kom Phong Koch Chet - Noy [ Take it Now ]
07.Srolanh Oun Leng Lob - Bakrinha [ Take it Now ]
08.Som Tos - Sem [ Take it Now ]
09.Sangsa Thngey Choy Kroy - Noy [ Take it Now ]
10.Kom Bre Perk Bek Teng Bong Nov Srolanh Oun - Bakrinha [ Take it Now ]
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