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Production : Sunday
Artist : Vesna, Lino, ENO
File : MP3
Bitrate : 192kbps
Quality : High
Full Size Albums : 64.03MB
Track Name List :
01.Srolanh Oun Dol Choeng- Keo Vassna [ Take it Now ]
02.Srolanh Oun Min Kvol Pi Atitak Kal- Keo Vassna [ Take it Now ]
03.Iphone Pdach Sne- Jom Lino [ Take it Now ]
04.Polo Ko Koch Chet- Jom Lino [ Take it Now ]
05.Bdo Pi Monos Smos Tve Pran Vinh- Eno [ Take it Now ]
06.Pel Bong Tve Prean Teb Oun Ches Smos- Eno [ Take it Now ]
07.Man Ahrom Tha Oun Ches Ku Huk Hey- Keo Vassna [ Take it Now ]
08.Oun Man Thmey Ban Mdec Bong Man Thmey Min Ban?- Keo Vassna [ Take it Now ]
09.Chenh Chean Plak Ten- Jom Lino [ Take it Now ]
10.Hambuger Tek Pnek- Eno [ Take it Now ]
02.Srolanh Oun Min Kvol Pi Atitak Kal- Keo Vassna [ Take it Now ]
03.Iphone Pdach Sne- Jom Lino [ Take it Now ]
04.Polo Ko Koch Chet- Jom Lino [ Take it Now ]
05.Bdo Pi Monos Smos Tve Pran Vinh- Eno [ Take it Now ]
06.Pel Bong Tve Prean Teb Oun Ches Smos- Eno [ Take it Now ]
07.Man Ahrom Tha Oun Ches Ku Huk Hey- Keo Vassna [ Take it Now ]
08.Oun Man Thmey Ban Mdec Bong Man Thmey Min Ban?- Keo Vassna [ Take it Now ]
09.Chenh Chean Plak Ten- Jom Lino [ Take it Now ]
10.Hambuger Tek Pnek- Eno [ Take it Now ]